
  • Take the stage in XR, show off your projects, meet your peers and discuss what's hot and what's not.

What is this?

The idea behind WebXR.builders is to be a casual global Meetup group with a focus on XR technology, hosted entirely online, where the speakers and attendees will be able to meet each other in a virtual environment.

What we want to achieve with this is to give a recurring platform for developers and enthusiasts to showcase their work. This could range from commercial products, to open-source solutions, to personal in-progress pet projects that you can’t wait to show off to the crowd for feedback.

Note: Despite the Web moniker in the title, we are definitely open for non-browser-related XR projects.

We need you!

To give us feedback

Up to this point, this meetup is something that we’ve had in the back of our minds for some time now, and we would like to poll for interest and feedback. If you can spare the time, please fill in the survey below. It shouldn't take more than three minutes.

Call for Speakers

Want to be amongst the first to showcase your project to the crowd? If so, awesome, we would be honoured to hear from you. Please fill in the registration form, and we'll contact you ASAP to plan your talk.

When will the meetups take place?

Most likely around 1800-2000 GMT during a weekday. One of the main reasons why we want to organise these sessions is to that we haven’t found any online group yet that works well within the GMT time zone. Given the experimental nature, we aim for the first sessions to last around one hour.

This is not set in stone, however. In the survey linked above, we would like your input on what would work best for you.

Depending on the response, we are planning on having the first session in April.

What are the benefits to a virtual meetup?

Attend a meetup in your pajamas! But wait, there’s more...

  • No travel time. Visit wherever you can at your leisure.
  • Enjoy a sense of shared space and togetherness with the crowd.
  • As a speaker, have full control of the venue. Show off your work with a 360 photosphere. Add a 3D model in the center of the crowd for them to analyze.

How will the meetup take place? Will I need an account?

You’ll be able to join anonymously via a browser. We will be using Frame for the online venue.

If you have no experience with WebXR, that's no problem. It just means that you can simply go to a URL on the web to join instantly. No download, install, or account needed.

What browser will I need? Is a VR headset required?

Any browser that supports the WebXR API will do. Amongst these are Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge and the Oculus Browser.

A headset will not be required. Frame can also be used on a regular desktop, tablet or mobile. The talks will be recorded and available on YouTube after.

... but yeah, it would be pretty awesome if you could join with one.

WebXR.Builders is a project initiated by Ruben van der Leun. Feel free to contact me via E-Mail or on Twitter if you have more questions.